NACL Industries Limited
  • Trica product



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Availaible in :

packs of 100g, 200g, and 1kg

Active Ingredients

Dimethomorph 50% WP

  • Trica is a systemic fungicide containing Dimethomorph. It is used for treating downy mildew and Late blight caused by organisms such as Pythium and Phytophthora species.
  • Trica is one of trusted and famous brand to control Downy Mildew and Late blight. It is supporting Indian Fruits & Vegetable growers to manage their crops most devastating disease in a very effective way and providing peace of mind.
Recommended Crops
Mode of action
  • Trica affects cell wall production in fungi by inhibition of sterol synthesis. It disintegrates cell wall (Cell wall lysis) to kill the pathogen.
  • Trica has translaminar Action – Good uptake into sprayed leaves. Acts on treated plants parts but is also redistribution in the plant tissue.
  • Trica provides good rain fastness and longer residual control. Offers good residual activity for long spray intervals
  • Trica offers a unique and novel mode of action with no cross-resistance to Phenylamide or strobilurin.
  • Trica prevents sporulation much better than many other fungicides. The anti-sporulate. Its activity stops, contains, and kills Late blight spores, preventing the spread of blight between plants and neighboring fields.
  • Trica has a unique mode of action that disintegrates the cell wall to kill the pathogen.
  • Trica is effective against different stages of the fungal lifecycle.
Crop Disease Name Dose (g/Acre)
Grapes Downy mildew 400
Potato Late blight 400


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