NACL Industries Limited
  • task-gr

Task GR


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Availaible in :

packs of 1kg, 5kg

Active Ingredients

Fipronil 0.3 Gr

  • TASK GR is a broad-spectrum and systemic insecticide
  • It has both contact and stomach action
  • It belongs to phenyl-pyrazole group of insecticides
  • TASK GR is very effective against insects resistant for conventional pesticides
  • TASK GR also have good phytotonic effect, which enhances the root growth and more greenness
  • It results significant increase in yield
  • It has good applications and formulation flexibility
  • Easy to use: Because of its granular formulation, it can be easily broadcasted on the standing crop
  • It has quick and long duration control
  • Feeding of treated insects stops soon after treatment
  • It has higher potency for binding with insect receptor complexes than to mammalian complexes which makes it more selective for insects and safe for human and animals
  • Longer persistency and greater solubility in water than other granules
  • TASK GR is almost compatible with other insecticides
  • Comparatively safer to the beneficial insects
  • It has no cross resistance to conventional products
  • Suitable for IPM
Recommended Crops
Mode of action

TASK GR has a new chemistry molecule with a unique mode of action It interferes in nerve impulse transmission by blocking Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels in the central nervous system

It blocks the passage/uptake of chloride ions resulting in excess neuronal stimulation

This hyperexcitation of insects’ nerves and muscles leads death of the target insect


Recommended dosage for granule should be broadcasted alone or by mixing with send or fertilizer

It can be broadcasted by using hand operated granule applicator or mechanical dispenser

Apply within 15-25 days after transplanting in paddy (2-3 cm standing water should be in the field and keep water impounded for 2-3 days application)

Ensure sufficient soil moisture at the time of application in sugarcane and wheat

Crop Pests CIB DOSE / Ha
Rice (Paddy) Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Green leaf hopper Rice leaf hopper, Rice gall midge, Whorl maggot, 16670-25000 gm
White backed plant hopper
Sugarcane Early shoot borer 25000-33300 gm
Root borer
Wheat Termite 20000 gm


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