NACL Industries Limited
  • Surya product



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Availaible in :

packs of 500g

Active Ingredients

Atrazine 50% WP

  • Surya belongs to the triazine family of herbicides which has systemic and selective action.
  • Surya is translocated pre-emergent herbicide used for the control of wide spectrum of annual and broad-leaved weeds.
  • Surya is also used in non-crop areas as a total weed killer against annual perennial weeds sprayed alone or in a tank mix.
  • Surya is more soluble and less affected by dry weather.
  • Surya herbicide residual action is more on plants and soil.
Recommended Crops
Mode of action

It is selective and systemic herbicide of Chloro-Triazine group. It works by inhibiting photosynthesis by binding with the DI protein site at photosystem II. It also inhibits the enzymatic activity in the targeted weeds. Lack of the photosynthesis results the death of treated plants.

Crop Weed Common Name Dose/Acre (gm)
Maize Trianthamamonogyna, Digera arvensis, Echinochloa spp, Eleusinespp,., Xantheium strumarium, Brachiaria spp., Digitaria spp., Amaranthus viridis, Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp. 400-800
Sugarcane Portuloaca oleracea, Digitaria sp., Boerhaavia diffusa, Euphorbia sp., Tribulus terristris 400-1600
Potato Spergula arvansis, Digitaria sp., Chenopodium album 200
Bajra Trainthema monogyna, Digitaria arvensis, Echinochloa sp., Eleusine spp., Xantheium strumarium, Digitaaria spp., Amaranthus virdis, Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp. 400-800


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