NACL Industries Limited
  • Sivic product



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Availaible in :

packs of 25g, 50g, 120g, and 250g

Active Ingredients

Tricyclozole 75% W.P

  • Sivic is the world-class blasticide produced at NACL Industries Limited’s technical plant.
  • Sivic is rapidly absorbed and translocated to all plant parts.
  • Sivic provides control against blast in paddy at all the stages (leaf blast, stem blast, and panicle blast)
  • The preventive action does not allow the fungus to establish as it prevents entry into the plant system.
  • Sivic provides a long duration control of blast to the rice crop.
  • Sivic has rain fastness within two hours of application.
  • Sivic is compatible with most of the chemicals.
Recommended Crops
Mode of action

It inhibits the melanin biosynthesis(Inhibits polyhydroxynapthaline reductase enzyme and thus inhibiting melanin formation in fungi). Without melanin formation, apperssoria fails to produce penetrating hypha or penetration hypha fails to penetrate host tissue.

Crop Disease Name Dose (g/Acre)
Rice Blast 120-160


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