NACL Industries Limited



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Availaible in :

packs of 250ml, 500ml,1000ml & 5000ml

Active Ingredients

2, 4 – D – Amine Slat – 58% SL

SENIOR (2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL) is the selective, systemic weedicides of Phenoxyacetic group.

  • Apart from effectively controlling broad leaf weeds, these also control the Cyperus sp.
  • There is no adverse effect on crops with recommended dose
Recommended Crops
Mode of action

SENIOR is used on a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic broadleaf weeds. It has little effect on grasses. It appears to work by causing uncontrolled cell division in vascular tissue. Abnormal increases in cell wall plasticity, biosynthesis of proteins, and production of ethylene occur in plant tissues following exposure, and these processes are responsible for uncontrolled cell division. The ester forms of 2, 4-D penetrate foliage, whereas plant roots absorb the salt forms. 2, 4-D appears to be similar in action to other auxin-type herbicides. It is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translocated into the weed plants.

Crop Weed Common Name Dose/Acre (ml)
Sorghum Cyperus iria, Striga Spp, Tridax procumbens, Digera avensis, Euphorbia hirta, Convolvulus arvensis, Phyllanthus niruri 1240
Maize Trianthema monogyne, amaranthus Spp, Tribulus terreistris, Boerthavia diffusa, Euphorbia hirta, Portulaca oleracea, Cyperus Spp 344
Wheat Chenopodium album, Asphodulus tenuifolius, Fumaria Spp, Melilotus alba, Convolvulus arvensis 344 – 516
Aquatic weeds Eichhornia crassipes 344 – 688
Potato Chenoposium album, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Convolvulus arvensis, Portulaca oleracea 1376
Non Crop area Parthenium hysterophorus, Cyperus rotundus 1720 – 1824
Sugarcane Cyperus iria Digitaria sp. Dactylactenium aegyptium Digera arvensis Portulaca oleracea Commelina benghalensis Convolvulus arvensis 2520


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