NACL Industries Limited
  • Force-super

Force Super



Availaible in :

packs of 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1lt & 5lt

Active Ingredients


“FORCE SUPER (Chloropyriphos 50% EC)Benefits of FORCE SUPER is a powerful insecticide for controlling biting as well as sucking of insects. Versatile insecticide and termicide for agricultural and household pests. FORCE SUPER combines rapid initial action with a good long lasting residual effect. Triple action through contact, stomach and fumigation. Good soil application insecticide to control soil insects like termites, white grubs, and root grubs etc. Also used as a termicide in pre and post construction of buildings”

Recommended Crops
Mode of action

Chlorpyrifos is a broad-spectrum insecticide which kills insects upon contact by affecting the normal function of the nervous system. Chlorpyrifos affects the nervous system by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter.

Crop Common name of the Pest Dosage/acre(ml) Dilutionin Water(Liter)
Rice Stem borer, Leaf roller 300-320 200-400
Cotton Bollworms 400-480 200-400
Termite Pre & Post construction Building 0.50% 1 litre formulation in 99 litre water


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