Availaible in :
packs of 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1000ml
Quizalafop Ethyl 10% EC
- Cambium is a Selective, systemic post-emergence Grassy Herbicide.
- Cambium belongs to a new chemical class of Aryloxy phenoxy-propionates group. Cambium is safe for broadleaf crops. It has excellent translocation activity and absorbed by leaves within one hour – rain fastness. It gets trans-located in the whole plant within one day. Weed leaves turn purplish/red within 5-8 days after application and within 10-15 days are completely killed.
- Soybean

Quizalofop Ethyl is a selective systemic herbicide, has a high selectivity between grass weeds & dicotyledons crop. It is absorbed in few hours by stem and leave & conducted to the whole body of annual weeds in 24 hours, mainly accumulating in the top organs & intraformational meristem. Weeds conduct Quizalofop Ethyl rapidly to subterranean stem after administration, having its internode & growth point destroyed & lose reproductivity.
Crop | Weed Common Name | Dose/Acre (ml) |
Soyabean | Love grass (eragrosts ipilosa), Crab grass (digitaria sanguinalis/wild finger/ Makra grass Viper grass, Barnyard grass, sanwa/Samel, Brown top millet | 150 – 180 |
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